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2019 Moderator Election

nomination began
Mar 25, 2019 at 20:00
election began
Apr 1, 2019 at 20:00
election ended
Apr 9, 2019 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!

I would like to nominate myself to run as a moderator.

I would like to help grow and develop the community on this site. In addition, I would like to run to help alleviate some of the pressure off of our existing four moderators.

Some key points:

  • I am very active on the site (visit daily)
  • I enjoy editing questions
  • I post on Meta

Why not me?

  • I have lower reputation than other moderator candidates (but am continuing to build it up)

Here is a link to my questionnaire if you would like to read it.

Here we are :)

Short Bio:

For the last 4 years, I am working as a Data Scientist in the Game Industry. The last 1.5 year, I am an instructor in a 40-hours "Intro to Data Science" workshop with ML theory and hands-on exercises. We focus mostly on Maths, Python and AzureML. My background is in Mathematics and I have also a MSc Degree in Web and Data Science.

In my free time:

I was a Senior Editor in a team of 200 editors writing articles for an online game. Also, a pioneer member of the Greek Open Knowledge Chapter, working on Open Data projects. I participated in two book translations to the Greek language. "The Data Science Handbook" and "The Data Journalism Handbook". In addition, I am a co-host of the biggest, monthly "Data" Meetup in my city.

Why StackExchange:

Stackoverflow was a huge help during my first working years. I felt that I have to give back whatever I could. Now, I am in the Top 10 on Open Data SE and quite involved in Area 51. Data Science SE is always one of my opened browser tabs and I try to answer whatever I can.

My answers on the Meta Questions

I'd be honored to serve this community as a moderator.

  1. As a principal data scientist for a Fortune 50 company, I am a working professional in this field & I believe that understanding the trends & patterns emerging in the profession are a critical part of being an effective moderator.
  2. If you check my recent posts to new users, I usually start with "Welcome to the site!" because we have to recognize that data science is still a nascent field & it will thrive with new users for a long time to come.
  3. I have a been a consistent visitor to the site & that is reflected in both my reputation score & badges. I am also active in the moderation cues that are available & I carefully apply edits & sound judgement in order to contribute to the site in a similar capacity to a moderator.

I enjoy helping people new to the data science field & I am slow to use the "close question" option. Our approach to new users will dictate the long term health & viability of this SE & the next set of moderators need to have an understanding of that - the current state simply can't remain the same.

I'm passionate about data science, I want to see this SE succeed & I ask for your vote.

Hi, I am Stephen, and I am nominating myself for moderator of DataScience.SE.

  • I started my active involvement with DataScience.SE a little over 1.5 years ago.
  • In that time, I have performed 6258 reviews, 1176 Edits and had 463 Helpful flags.
  • I am on the StackExchange network (effectively) every day, multiple times per day.
  • Network wide I have performed over 58,000 reviews and 9000 edits in the little over two years I have been a member.
  • In addition, network wide, I have raised over 9000 helpful flags and performed over 17000 votes on posts.
  • I feel I have proven I am willing to do the work necessary to make this site a high quality resource, and that I would be a dedicated addition to the new moderation team.

Other than oW, who you should vote for, and the current DS moderator who is running in this election, the other candidates, prior to March 2019, combined for only 48 reviews and 88 edits on DataScience.SE.

Why me?

  1. I care about the community
  2. I know DS very well - 9+ years as a professional DS, founded a large offline DS community in the SF bay area, very involved in DS ed., etc.

  3. Educational-orientation - this site helps members of all levels to learn rapidly. As the designer and content-creator of 2 Data Science microcredentials and an international lecturer on ML, I am devoted to teaching & learning.

  4. Expert appreciation of the highly cross-field nature of DS

  5. I've made every possible mistake and learned from it
  6. I believe that mods are empowered by the community for the purpose of paying it back via servant leadership
  7. I want our SE site to be a welcoming community

Why not me?

  1. Limited rep on this SE site (mitigated by StackOverflow + other rep totally > 20K points)
  2. See #5 above
  3. I have never been a moderator on another SE site


  1. I will be available at least 2 hours per day and 20 hours/week total, potentially significantly more
  2. I will contribute content at an exponentially greater rate
  • I have been on DS SE for 2.5 years from Beta to Graduation
  • I visit the site daily and have been a top contributor in all review queues
  • I have been working as a professional data scientist for 5 years
  • I try to stay up to date with current research and developments
  • As the field continues to grow, the site will also grow and I hope to contribute to make this a popular destination for quality content
  • Not afraid of more mundane tasks of mods like dealing with flags etc.

I'll throw my hat in the ring.

I'm a computer scientist with a strong interest in data science. I have experience teaching data science and would like to see this community grow and be successful. When I got started in my studies as a student, I benefitted enormously from being able to ask questions on Usenet; today I see Stack Exchange as a superior format, and I'd like to pay it back by contributing to the success of this site as a place for high-quality information about data science.

I have moderation experience (I am a moderator on Computer Science Stack Exchange). I know what's involved and am comfortable with it.

I would like to nominate myself for the moderator role for Data Science SE community.

  • I have been an active member of this site for more than 3 years
  • Those 3 years also constitutes the time when the site was a Beta site. I was one of the top members on the site while its graduation and still continue to be so (in terms of reputation, review queue activities, meta activities, helping new users and helpful editing)
  • This community is special for me, cause this is one of the most welcoming community for new users. (Most questions which are closed down, have a helpful comment or two about how to improve the question, or where to post this question if not here)
  • I visit this site almost every day. Been that way since 3 years.
  • I am one of the current moderators of the site.
  • I live in the Indian Standard Time Zone (IST).

This election is over.