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In a dataset of 9 columns: X1-X8, y$X_1-X_8, y$. y = X1 * X5 + X2 * X6 + X3 * X7 + X4 * X8

$y = X_1 * X_5 + X_2 * X_6 + X_3 * X_7 + X_4 * X_8$

Can any form of linear modelsmodel (anything but SVM, NN, RandomForetRandom Forest, XGBoost..etc, etc.) predict y $y$?!

In a dataset of 9 columns: X1-X8, y. y = X1 * X5 + X2 * X6 + X3 * X7 + X4 * X8

Can any form of linear models (anything but SVM, NN, RandomForet, XGBoost..etc.) predict y ?!

In a dataset of 9 columns: $X_1-X_8, y$.

$y = X_1 * X_5 + X_2 * X_6 + X_3 * X_7 + X_4 * X_8$

Can any form of linear model (anything but SVM, NN, Random Forest, XGBoost, etc.) predict $y$?

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Can Linear Models infer Product Sum operation of Features to predict Target?

In a dataset of 9 columns: X1-X8, y. y = X1 * X5 + X2 * X6 + X3 * X7 + X4 * X8

Can any form of linear models (anything but SVM, NN, RandomForet, XGBoost..etc.) predict y ?!