Sorry, if this topic is not connected directdirectly to the Data Science... I try
I want to understand how the Graphlab tool works. Firstly I want to execute the toy examples from the Gallery site. When I try to execute the example code, everything is ok exceptedOK except one command: I can not see the graphlab plot after show()
. The command show()
returnreturns to me some kind of object in IPython and nothing in the IPython Notebook.
If the example code has the plot, which depends direct fromdirectly on the matplotlib module, I can produce the real plots and save it on my machine. Consequently, I suppose the main error is depended fromdepends on the graphlab (or object from itsits class). If somebody already used this tool and gotrendered the plot, can he/she tell me, how I can execute the plots command.?
In [8]: import graphlab
In [9]: from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import Image
In [10]:import urllib
url = ' /freebase_performances.csv'
urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename='freebase_performances.csv') # downloads an 8MB file to the working directory
Out[10]: ('freebase_performances.csv', <httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x7f44e153cf38>)
In [11]: data = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('remote://freebase_performances.csv', column_type_hints={'year': int})
... ... ...
In [15]
No plot after this line ... ...
In [19]:print
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object at 0x7f44e14c0850>
The object of graphlab (?) after print command