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Post Made Community Wiki by Dawny33
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Unsure whether they qualify, but there are some fun facts taken from various sources:

Beginning from Yann Lecun:

  • Geoff Hinton doesn't need to make hidden units. They hide by themselves when he approaches.

  • Geoff Hinton doesn't disagree with you, he contrastively diverges
    (from Vincent Vanhoucke)

  • Shakespeare and Bayes are in a boat, fishing. Bayes is trying to figure out which net to cast when Shakespeare says: "loopy or not loopy? that is the question".

  • Deep Belief Nets actually believe deeply in Geoff Hinton.

  • Geoff Hinton discovered how the brain really works. Once a year for
    the last 25 years.

  • Bayesians are the only people who can feel marginalized after being integrated

And now the legend:

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One from Reddit:

YOLO: you only LEARN once

P.S: Ian Goodfellow and Jurgen Schmidhuber are co-authoring a paper (to be presented at NIPS 2019) on Inverse GANs (More jokes on the topic here)