Unsure whether they qualify, but there are some fun facts taken from various sources:
Beginning from Yann Lecun:
Geoff Hinton doesn't need to make hidden units. They hide by themselves when he approaches.
Geoff Hinton doesn't disagree with you, he contrastively diverges
(from Vincent Vanhoucke)Shakespeare and Bayes are in a boat, fishing. Bayes is trying to figure out which net to cast when Shakespeare says: "loopy or not loopy? that is the question".
Deep Belief Nets actually believe deeply in Geoff Hinton.
Geoff Hinton discovered how the brain really works. Once a year for
the last 25 years.Bayesians are the only people who can feel marginalized after being integrated
And now the legend:
One from Reddit:
YOLO: you only LEARN once
P.S: Ian Goodfellow and Jurgen Schmidhuber are co-authoring a paper (to be presented at NIPS 2019) on Inverse GANs (More jokes on the topic here)