I would use tensorflow 2.0 with tf.data
import tensorflow as tf
filenames = ["filename1", "filename2", ...]
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.list_files(filenames, seed=42, shuffle=True)
# this reads 5 text files at a time, skips the first row of each file
dataset.interleave(lambda filename: tf.data.TextLineDataset(filename).skip(1), cycle_length=5, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
for line in dataset.take(5):
You can then pass in the dataset objects directly into tensorflow.keras for training.
There are some good examples here: https://cs230-stanford.github.io/tensorflow-input-data.htmlhere but please beware that this is NOT for tensorflow 2.0, and somethings may have changed