I'm following these two lectures on CBOW and skip-gram word2vec models. The first is lec 12 and the next lec 13 of a deep learning series
Up to about 17 mins into the second video the lecturer says that the approach is unsupervised for CBOW as there are no labels? How can you learn a NN with no labels? This completely confused me as why are we not comparing our softmax probability vector to an actual set of outputs so that we can adjust the v_c and v_w weights accordingly. His liklihood function seems to only be concerned with the parameters v_c and v_w (and completely devoid of some kind of target label) which is bonkers to me, because could i not not just make them whatever i want? In addition how are you learning relationships between pairs of actual words, if actual target variables are not guiding you towards correct labels? Could someone please explain what is going on under the hood as i really want to understand this approach. Perhaps target labels are being considered and i've not noticed it?
Most log likelihood estimates with a window of size $m$ look something like the following $-\mathrm{log} \prod_{j=0,j \neq m}^{2m} \frac{e^{u^T_{c-m+j}v_c}}{\sum_{k=1}^{|v|} e^{u_k^Tv_c}} $
To my knowledge a likelihood function should involve data from actual observations not purely parameters, which are to be estimate, can someone explain this also?
Note i follow it more from 17 mins onwards as he talks about pairs (w,c) in D or D' respectively. I appreciate any help!