Referring to the answer here:, the equation for a discrete 2D convolution is specified as:
where $I$ is the image and $K$ is the kernel or filter. I can't understand how the indices work. Let's say I have the image:
$\begin{bmatrix}I_{11} & I_{12} & I_{13} & I_{14} & I_{15}\\ I_{21} & I_{22} & I_{23} & I_{24} & I_{25}\\ I_{31} & I_{32} & I_{33} & I_{34} & I_{35}\\ I_{41} & I_{42} & I_{43} & I_{44} & I_{45}\\ I_{51} & I_{52} & I_{53} & I_{54} & I_{55} \end{bmatrix}$ and kernel $\begin{bmatrix}K_{11} & K_{12} & K_{13}\\ K_{21} & K_{22} & K_{23}\\ K_{31} & K_{32} & K_{33}\end{bmatrix}$
Now by the above definition (in this case $M=3$ and $N=3$) $$C_{11} = I_{11}K_{00}+I_{12}K_{0,-1}+I_{13}K_{0,-2}\\ +I_{21}K_{-1,0}+I_{22}K_{-1,-1}+I_{23}K_{-1,-2}+\\ +I_{31}K_{-2,0}+I_{32}K_{-2,-1}+I_{33}K_{-2,-2}$$
$$C'_{11} = I_{00}K_{11}+I_{0,-1}K_{12}+I_{0,-2}K_{13}\\ +I_{-1,0}K_{21}+I_{-1,-1}K_{22}+I_{-1,-2}K_{23}+\\ +I_{-2,0}K_{31}+I_{-2,-1}K_{32}+I_{-2,-2}K_{33}$$
Even if I assume that the indices for $C$ or $C'$ run from $2$ to $4$ (instead of $1$ to $3$), then $$C_{22} = I_{11}K_{11}+I_{12}K_{1,0}+I_{13}K_{1,-1}\\ +I_{21}K_{0,1}+I_{22}K_{0,0}+I_{23}K_{0,-1}+\\ +I_{31}K_{-1,1}+I_{32}K_{-1,0}+I_{33}K_{-1,-1}$$
$$C'_{22} = I_{11}K_{11}+I_{1,0}K_{12}+I_{1,-1}K_{13}\\ +I_{0,1}K_{21}+I_{0,0}K_{22}+I_{0,-1}K_{23}+\\ +I_{-1,1}K_{31}+I_{-1,0}K_{32}+I_{-1,-1}K_{33}$$
So no matter how the indices are defined, the indices for either $I$ or $K$ go out of bounds in the expression for convolution. How do I make sense of this? What's meant by terms with negative indices like $I_{-1,-2}$ or $K_{0,-1}$?
Follow-up doubt: So assuming zero-padding, all terms with non-positive indices are assumed to be $0$. From that, given the two formulas for $C_{22}$ and $C'_{22}$ above, they evaluate to just $I_{11}K_{11}$, since all terms involving non-positive indices vanish. But that doesn't sound right, since from my understanding, it should evaluate to:
$$\begin{bmatrix}I_{11} & I_{12} & I_{13}\\ I_{21} & I_{22} & I_{23}\\ I_{31} & I_{32} & I_{33}\end{bmatrix}: \begin{bmatrix}K_{33} & K_{32} & K_{31}\\ K_{23} & K_{22} & K_{21}\\ K_{13} & K_{12} & K_{11}\end{bmatrix}$$
(where $:$ represents Frobenius inner product) since convolution is the same as cross-correlation with a flipped kernel. So I still can't make sense of the formulas for $C_{22}$ and $C'_{22}$ as I wrote above.