I am learning ML. I have a dataframe with some features and a target column. For simplicity condiser X
has one feature, for eg X
= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 1, 2, 12]
One of the pre-processing step is find outliers and impute with mean.
Suppose X
represent train set, Then it is straight forward find and impute it.
Suppose X
represent dev or test set, Then what action one should take?
A. Should apply the same pre-processing step as we did for train set?
B. By pre-processing the outliers on train set, we get a minimum and maximum value/limits for that feature. Now if future data contain value which is out bound with respect to minimum or maximum value of that feature.Should we do predict output for it or we should discard entire record?
Please suggest.