I was going through the introductory guide to convolutional neural networks in tensor flow here
And I was trying to logically map some of the code I saw to my actual understanding of how convolutional neural networks function.
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(32, 32, 3)))
model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation='relu'))
So when I read this code line by line what I see is
Create a model with multiple sequential layers
The first layer will take a 32x32 image with 3 channels (a (32,32,3) tensor of numbers) We now for each channel (32 x 32 matrix of numbers), perform a convolution with a (3x3) matrix of numbers resulting in a (32 - 3 + 1, 32- 3 + 1) tensor per channel.
At this point it is not clear to me what the significance of the 32 is in the line of code
model.add(layers.Conv2D(32, ... )
I assume the
activation function is applied element-wise to each of the (30,30,3) elements yielding the output for the layer which we then pass to our next layer for poolingSo now this (30, 30, 3) tensor gets sent for pooling to result in a (2,2,3) tensor where each (30 x 30) channel was reduced using a maxpool that divided the matrix up into 4 quadrants and took the maximum of each.
And at this point things just go horribly wrong if you try to force this to make sense with the assumptions I have made. The number of outputs of all the convolutional and pooling layers is not longer 64, so its unclear how to match this to the dense layer at the end, and in my experience one does not normally just ignore numbers that especially change midway through the code.
So how do I actually read this code and directly and map it to the architecture of a convolutional network such as the one described in wikipedia by this image:
My (probably incorrect) interpretation of this image is
There will be an image as input (with maybe multiple color channels).
Each copy of the image will go through 1 or more convolutions and then 1 or more sampling stages where the output tensor of the convolution stage is compatible with the input tensor of the sampling stage,
the resultant pool of final samples should have the same number of elements as the first layer of the dense network.
My (possibly incorrect) definition of matrix convolution. Let $A_{mn},B_{op}$ be matrices with dimension $m \times n$ and $o \times p$ then $ A \star B_{u,v} $ is a $(m - o + 1 \times n-p+1)$ matrix whose elements are defined as
$$ A \star B_{u,v} = \sum_{i=0}^{o-1} \sum_{j=0}^{p-1} A_{u+i, v+j} B_{i, j}$$
My (possibly incorrect) definition of downsampling
If A is a $(d,d)$ matrix that you want to MaxPool shrink to a $(u,u)$ matrix called B and $d \equiv 0 \mod u$ then
$$ B_{i,j} = \operatorname{Max}\left\lbrace A_{p,q}| i \frac{d}{u} \le p < i \frac{d}{u} + \frac{d}{u}, j \frac{d}{u} \le q < j \frac{d}{u} + \frac{d}{u} \right\rbrace $$
(In english this reads to compute $B_{i,j}$ just go to the $(i,j)$-block of Matrix A of size $(\frac{d}{u}, \frac{d}{u})$ and compute its maximum element). Here all my indexing starts at 0.