Building on @JahKnows theoretical answer, here is what the weights of Conv2D
look like in action.
from keras import *
from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(12, kernel_size=3, input_shape=(25, 25, 1)))
#just initialized, not fit to any data.
>>> weights[0].shape
'(3, 3, 1, 12)'
So a 3x3 matrix (9 arrays) where each array is a (1x12) vector
- First 2 dimensions: looks like the kernel size; (3,3).
- Last 2 dimensions: 1*12; where 12 is units and 1 is channels aka colors from the input_shape.
Plus 12 bias neurons:
- It also looks like there is a separate
12x1 for bias that would edge into each of the other 12x1s.
>>> weights[0]
array([[[[-0.22489263, 0.11462553, 0.1275196 , 0.19356592,
-0.06204098, 0.10875972, -0.09088454, 0.12002607,
0.14580582, -0.10627564, 0.04845475, 0.16762014]],
[[-0.00685272, -0.144605 , 0.00162746, -0.17116429,
-0.13180375, -0.13356137, 0.02543293, 0.09918924,
0.19696428, -0.01112208, -0.17443556, 0.105253 ]],
[[ 0.04283331, 0.1003729 , -0.21573427, -0.08311893,
-0.0144719 , 0.10843249, -0.1036434 , 0.1704862 ,
0.22398098, -0.2159951 , 0.13356568, -0.13963732]]],
[[[-0.00911894, 0.12489821, -0.1453647 , 0.14670904,
0.17318939, -0.16027464, -0.11050612, -0.19118567,
0.06857748, 0.18323778, -0.22046578, 0.05927287]],
[[-0.00602703, -0.18062721, 0.15344848, -0.15143515,
-0.07210657, 0.177676 , -0.06143558, -0.17020151,
-0.02092001, 0.19398673, -0.20247248, 0.17286496]],
[[ 0.22057424, 0.10987107, 0.00975977, 0.00445287,
0.09941946, 0.03192849, -0.19070472, -0.10779155,
0.13622199, -0.11289301, -0.06379397, 0.06102996]]],
[[[-0.11758636, 0.16921164, -0.151184 , -0.06386189,
0.1991932 , -0.21000272, -0.12173925, -0.03071272,
0.16692607, -0.12708151, 0.08756261, 0.178169 ]],
[[-0.05779965, -0.10117687, 0.20407595, -0.21241538,
-0.16404435, -0.0826612 , 0.02122533, 0.1947081 ,
-0.09203622, 0.08905725, 0.09665458, -0.06724563]],
[[-0.22078277, -0.0093862 , 0.02477093, -0.0090203 ,
0.21535213, -0.16004324, -0.0708347 , -0.02972263,
0.11906733, 0.05814315, -0.02641977, -0.09178646]]]],
>>> weights[1]
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32)