Recently I'm studying machine learning algorithms among them linear regression and decision tree so I have a question regarding the scalability of both algorithms. Can anyone provide what is the scalability of both algorithms and examples?
1 Answer
If you use the standard OLS formula :
$$ \beta = (X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty$$
the overall linear regression complexity is $O(np^2)$, where n is the number of exemple and p the number of features.
For simple trees the theoretical complexity if of the same order $O(np^2)$.
In practice other techniques are used, like gradient descent for the regression. Also you may have simplifications depending on your problem ($n>>p$ for exemple, may lead to the use of sparse matrices).
Practical implementation like sklearn have following complexities (see
LinearRegression : $O(n^{0.72}p^{1.3})$
ExtraTreesRegressor: $O(n^{1.03}p^{0.88})$
Overall they are relatively simple algos and thus are pretty much as scalable as you can get. (or conversely we wouldn't use algorithms that are not scalable)
$\begingroup$ Good explanation for the performance part. What about prediction capability. Please also add that point. $\endgroup$– 10xAICommented Apr 16, 2020 at 5:04
$\begingroup$ It’s an entirely different question than what was asked. There is no general answer as prediction capabilities entirely depends on your problem / data set. Intuitively they are the simplest models so their prediction capability is expected to be lower than other models. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 5:58