The data set vaso in the robustbase library summarizes the vasoconstriction (or not) of subjects’ fingers along with their breathing volumes and rates.
> head(vaso)
Volume Rate Y
1 3.70 0.825 1
2 3.50 1.090 1
3 1.25 2.500 1
4 0.75 1.500 1
5 0.80 3.200 1
6 0.70 3.500 1
I want to perform a linear discriminant analysis in R to see how well these distinguish between the two groups. And I consider two cases:
ld <- lda(Y ~ ., data=vaso)
ld1 <- lda(Y ~ log(Volume)+log(Rate), data=vaso)
Please help me understand which model is better? What characteristics to look at?