
I am trying to build a recommendation system using collaborative filtering. I have the usual [user, movie, rating] information. I would like to incorporate an additional feature like 'language' or 'duration of movie'. I am not sure what techniques I could use for such a problem.

Please suggest references or packages in python/R.


2 Answers 2


Here some resources that might be helpful:


Instead of collaborative filtering I would use the matrix factorization approach, wherein users and movies alike a represented by vectors of latent features whose dot products yield the ratings. Normally one merely selects the rank (number of features) without regard to what the features represent, and the algorithm does the rest. Like PCA, the result is not immediately interpretable but it yields good results. What you want to do is extend the movie matrix to include the additional features you mentioned and make sure that they stay fixed as the algorithm estimates the two matrices using regularizastion. The corresponding entries in the user matrix will be initialized randomly, then estimated by the matrix factorization algorithm. It's a versatile and performant approach but it takes some understanding of machine learning, or linear algebra at least.

I saw a nice ipython notebook a while back but I can't find it right now, so I'll refer you to another one which, while not as nice, still clarifies some of the maths.


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