
I ran a logistic regression with like 10 variables (with R) and some of them have high P-values (>0.05). Should we follow the elimination techniques that we follow in multiple linear regression to remove insignificant variables? Or is the method different in logistic regression?

I'm new to this field so please pardon me if this question sounds silly.

Thank you.

  • $\begingroup$ Do you mean stepwise regression? $\endgroup$
    – Dave
    May 3, 2022 at 2:32
  • $\begingroup$ Removing insignificant variables is not normally a good idea, neither in multiple linear regression, see, e.g., here: stats.stackexchange.com/questions/541374/… $\endgroup$ Jul 2, 2023 at 19:08

1 Answer 1


Yes you may. The same principle applies for both.


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