I need to write a program(like a chatbot) that retrieves an answer from a CSV datafile based on a question user asks. So for example if the CSV stores list of products and its specifications in 5-10 columns, then if a user asks a question about specification Y for product X the program should return the correct answer based on CSV. I need to use NLP as the user can write synonyms of a particular word or ask a question a bit differently from the keywords in the dataset.
I think I am supposed to use BERT model using HuggingFace Transformer, but I'm not sure how to use NLP as this is over structured data. Additionally, I don't have a list of questions generated already.
Does anyone suggest how I should do this.
Also some of the specifications are values like prices. I was wondering if there is a way for the program to return the average or sum of two or more products if the user asks that question.