I have a dataset of drugs represented as a graph, each of which is described by three non-square matrices:
- edge index (A), an 2xe matrix, where e are the bonds of the molecule, the first line indicates the node (atom) from which the edge (bond) starts, and the second one the node where the edge arrives;
- node feature matrix (X), an nx9 matrix, where n are the atoms of the molecule and 9 are the features used to describe these (e.g. atomic number, charge, hybridization);
- edge feature matrix (E), an 4xe matrix, where e are the bonds of the molecule and 4 are the features used to describe these (e.g. type of bond, geometry).
I would like to plot these data on a Cartesian space to see if clusters are created based on their activity label. I thought, if I can reduce each matrix to a single point in space for each graph I will have three x, y, z coordinates, and then it will be very easy to plot the points. Does this make sense in your opinion? How could I go about turning a matrix into a single point using python? Finally, I leave you with an example of the graph I would like to create Thank you all!