
I am attempting to formulate my own activation function. However, I'm new to neural networks, am not yet ready to test it, but would want to know if I already landed on a better activation function than my benchmark before pushing through for a successful study.

These are their graphs. Mine is in green and the benchmark is in purple.enter image description here

Is it possible to tell which one is better based on these graphs?


  • $\begingroup$ Both functions are smooth, non-monotonic, and bounded. $\endgroup$
    – jwho
    Commented Oct 19, 2022 at 20:28

1 Answer 1


tl;dr No.

The choice of an activation function is highly dependent on the task at hand, so there isn't necessarily a "better" in the general sense, let alone a signal you could get from a chart.

The chart also doesn't tell you if the activation or its derivative is easy/inexpensive to compute relative to the other, which can be a consideration.


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