I have around 30,000
data points and for those data points I have some numerical fields like customer_age
, customer_number_of_previous_purchases
, etc and also some categorical string fields such as customer_gender
, customer_ethnicity
, etc. I have lots of different fields like the above. Finally I also have an output field did_customer_make_purchase
which is a binary yes or no depending on if they made a purchase or not.
I have around 30,000 data points.
I am wanting to figure out the best way of using a model to make use of the above information so I can essentially plug in things like customer_age
, customer_number_of_previous_purchases
, customer_gender
, customer_ethnicity
, etc and it tell me whether it thinks a new customer will make a purchase or not (this can either be a yes or no or better a probability of that occurring).
I don't know what type of model is good for this kind of scenario. Could someone give me some ideas of which types of models may work good for this scenario please?
I have used neural networks before (maybe too fancy for this use case?), and know python so implementation should be fine but I am struggling with what model to investigate. Should I try to classify customers into purchase
and non purchase
using some classification algorithm or is there something better?
Thank you.