In most places, I have seen that when preparing the training data and label for next-word prediction from the corpus one uses a fixed window size say of length 4, and then scans the subsequences of length 4 as X and the next token as y.
For example: Consider this sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
and a window of size say 4. Then my training data looks something like this as (X, y) pair
["The quick brown" , "fox"], ["quick brown fox", "jumps"], ["brown fox jumps", "over"], .....
I have the following doubts.
- When we train a language model over the data it expects the sequence of length 4, but suppose a sentence only contains 2 words say
"quick brown"
and I need to predict the next word"fox"
I know we can pad to sequence of length 4 but my doubt is will model do any good with a sequence of shorter length if it's trained on the fixed sequence of length 4? - Is it a good idea to have all subsequences of length say from 1 to 4 as training data and pad the shorter ones to a maximum length which is 4 in this case? One problem I see is the issue of the underrepresentation of larger lengths and the overrepresentation of smaller lengths.