This is a snippet of the dataset I am currently working on:
> sample
name sex count
1 Maria f 97
2 Thomas m 12
3 Maria m 5
4 Maria f 97
5 Thomas m 8
6 Maria m 4
I want to sum up the counts grouped by name
and sex
to finally get this data.frame:
> result
Maria Thomas
f 194 0
m 9 20
I wrote a simple loop to iterate over the rows and sum up the counts:
result <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=2)
colnames(result) <- unique(sample$name)
rownames(result) <- unique(sample$sex)
for (i in 1:nrow(sample)) {
sex <- as.character(sample[i,"sex"])
name <- sample[i,"name"]
count <- sample[i,"count"]
result[sex, name] <- result[sex, name] + count
Is it suitable to do it this way? Are there any other ways to do it in a more elegant / shorter fashion?
I already tried it with aggregate
, but the output is in a different format:
> aggregate(sample$count,by=list(sample$name,sample$sex),sum)
Group.1 Group.2 x
1 Maria m 9
2 Thomas m 20
3 Maria w 194