I'm working with a colleague concurrently between R and MS Excel looking at credit risk scorecard modelling. In Excel he has calculated what he says is the gini coefficient for certain variables, which he has calculated by ranking the variable from lowest to highest, calculating the cumulative number of insolvencies, cumulative population, and using these to calculate a "width of the ranking" and ultimately the area explained by the variable.
The model is a simple logistic regression where I can add more variables or different variables depending on what people ask about.
mylogit <- glm(insolvency ~ LogPnL, data=my_data, family-"binomial")
However, in the Excel document the output from the model isn't used in the above calculations.
I researched how to calculate the gini coefficient in R and ended up calculating the AUC of a ROC curve like so:
# Full Model
predicted <- predict(mylogit, my_datafs, type="response")
#calculate AUC
aucc <- auc(my_datafs$Insolve,predicted)
gin <- 2*aucc-1
giin <- gin/(1-0.006059979) #where 0.006059979 is the insolvency rate
And this gives an entirely different number to what my colleague gets (for instance, I may get 0.6% whilst he gets 30%). I also tried a few other approaches:
WVPlots::GainCurvePlot(my_datafs,"LROC","Insolve",title="Test Plot")
roc(my_datafs$Insolve ~ mylogit$fitted.values, plot=TRUE, legacy.axes = TRUE)
I seem to always get the same values using these approaches, but this is entirely different to what my colleague has calculated. So I asked him if this "gini coefficient" calculation has another name as when research it I only got the ROC and AUC stuff, and things about the Lorenz curve and economics. He suggested looking into gains tables/lift charts. I also looked into this and followed this site here but this does not work for me at all and just gives constant level values.
So my question is, does anyone know what my colleague is calculating and how I can do this in R and verify what has been done?
The data looks something like this (where 1s represent insolvency in column a):
Insolvency LogPnL LogAssets LogReturnoncapital
0 13.45244524 17.26029721 -4.555781778
0 -13.16158409 17.26053342 -0.610391211
0 15.33151653 17.26059723 -4.62544939
0 15.24483998 17.26060402 -1.08183692
0 -12.40954396 17.26068645 -3.763048412
0 15.17672144 17.26070709 -1.438018097
0 15.16098292 17.26075672 -1.438018097
0 15.21341303 17.26084054 -4.852438172
0 15.62576461 17.26085241 -1.911767818
0 15.13992952 17.26094809 -2.296309704
0 15.1798149 17.26094809 -0.742112526
0 15.94790027 17.26094809 -1.719503458
0 15.44470345 17.26105944 -0.890755178
1 -15.53863423 17.26107564 -0.779659645
1 14.64142528 17.26116973 -2.536352638
0 -14.06471164 17.2611713 -4.707113261
0 15.37648401 17.26119409 -1.812813986
0 15.43226742 17.26123242 -1.245680522
0 14.11857373 17.26123506 -3.67956894
1 14.25847374 17.26129203 -22.89380415
0 -14.48845503 17.26129882 -0.3949376
0 13.635187 17.26129882 -4.97512426
0 14.88228812 17.26129882 -1.299654895
0 13.46595308 17.26136258 -4.948858859
0 15.6823775 17.26142633 -0.976068273
0 12.80490915 17.26145821 -2.103263152
0 14.80132735 17.26149008 -6.06110278
0 14.94400522 17.26152196 -2.778127905
0 15.07907215 17.26152196 -6.098750561