I have a Time Series problem, where I am trying to predict a single output at time $t$, $y_t$, given the $2$ previous time steps; $X_{t-2}, X_{t-1}$.
Let's just look at one observation for simplicity.
At a given time step $t$, I have $3$ features and a single output. Let's say $[a_t, b_t, c_t, y_t]$, where $a_t, b_t, c_t$ are my features, and $y_t$ is my output (the value I want to predict).
So, If I want to predict $y_t$ given the previous $2$ timesteps, this would look like
$$[ [a_{t-2}, b_{t-2}, c_{t-2}, y_{t-2}],\\ [a_{t-1}, b_{t-1}, c_{t-1}, y_{t-1}], \\ [a_{t}, b_{t}, c_{t}, ?]]$$
I don't have a value for $y_t$ here, and I need to pass in $4$ features to my $X_t$, so how does this work exactly?
At time $t$, I am again aware of my features $a_t, b_t, c_t$, and I want to predict $y_t$. But if I am only looking at the previous 2 timesteps here, I don't understand how the LSTM knows anything about the features at the current time step?