
I'm learning the Poisson distribution and am trying to "backward" calculate lambda if given a random value (k) and cumulative density function value (p). My k value is rather large, over 200, and I'm not even sure if using the poisson is a good idea since it's just looking like a normal distribution at this point. Either way, I'm still interested in trying to figure out if it's possible to calculate lambda given k and p.

I tried to figure it out on my own but I have no clue where to start or how to accomplish this. Ultimately, I'd like to use scipy.stat poisson.

For example, if I have a value of k=400 and p=0.9, I would like to find the value of lambda which would end up being approximately 375.

from scipy.stats import poisson

If anybody knows how to solve this and can help me that would be much appreciated.


1 Answer 1


There is no direct way to do this. But the cdf for a fixed number k is a monotonic function of mu. This means that we can use binary search to approximate the parameter mu.

Given a lower bound mu_0, an upper bound mu_1, a tolerance eps, and k and p from your question, the following code approximates the desired parameter:

while mu_1 - mu_0 > eps:
    mu = (mu_1 + mu_0) / 2

    if poisson.cdf(k, mu=mu) > p:
        mu_0 = mu
        mu_1 = mu

mu = (mu_0 + mu_1) / 2
Finding initial bounds

It is also possibile to find starting bounds by going up and down until such bounds are found. This would lead to the following function:

def approx_mu(k, p, mu_0=None, eps=0.1):
    # Initial value
    if mu_0 is None:
        mu_0 = k * p

    # Find upper bound for mu:
    while poisson.cdf(k, mu=mu_0) > p:
        mu_0 = mu_0 * 2

    # Find lower bound for mu:
    while poisson.cdf(k, mu=mu_0) < p:
        mu_0 = mu_0 / 2

    mu_1 = mu_0 * 2

    # Binary search
    while mu_1 - mu_0 > eps:
        # New boundary
        mu = (mu_1 + mu_0) / 2

        if poisson.cdf(k, mu=mu) > p:
            mu_0 = mu
            mu_1 = mu

    return (mu_0 + mu_1) / 2
How fast is it?
import time
t0 = time.time()
for _ in range(1000):
    approx_mu(k=5000, p=0.9, eps=0.1)
t1 = time.time()
print(f"{t1-t0:.2f} ms")

leads to 1.40 ms on my machine.


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