I am working on a project and currently experimenting cluster analysis. The dataset is mainly categorical variables and discrete numbers. Please pardon my poor programming skills as I am not very familiar with MathJax, but I will try to summarize the data set in words in the following three examples.
- imagine column 1 is participants names of course, from column2 - 5, each column's value range from 1 (least important) - 5 (most important). so in this case, column 2-8 only have discrete data.
- column 6 for example, since this is a multiple choice question. row 1 chose "nice" as an answer, however, row 2 chose "poor". In this case, we have one column that contains multiple categorical answers.
- for column 7-9, this is another type of multiple choice questions. However this time, each column represents only one answer. column 7 only allows string values "true", column 8 only allows string "somewhat". So in this case, we have multiple columns that represent multiple answers of the same question.
Any ideas how to solve this? Thankful to any input!
A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9
1 4 5 4 nice true somewhate false
2 4 3 1 poor true false
1 5 2 1 nice somewhate
3 2 1 5 nice true false