I have a data set (CPP(Monthly average), Channel, Show, Month, Year) for marketing return prediction. Data set has ads from 2022 to 2023 with about 130k points. I have a model, XGBOOST, and Train, test sets works good but my main goal is to get a guess for january 2024 which I know not the ideal use case for ML. But I can have some decent error margin and it would still be usefull My question is when I give this model january 2024 it makes the same guesses as january 2023 and this repeating goes on as the year does, but not january 2022 or feburary 2022. My guess is that this happens because of the tree structure of this model. 2024 goes through the same way as 2023. How can I solve this, different models don't perform well as the dataset is quite random in reality but xgboost seemed to do fine
what else can you suggest for a project like this neural networks with forecasting methods maybe?