
The below function is applied as a filtering procedure for a set of clients that are represented by accuracy values.

enter image description here

where accuracy is used to measure the model’s performance.

So, my question is: If I use loss instead of accuracy in the above formula, should I keep the same formula or something should change since:

Accuracy can be seen as the count of mistakes/misclassifications you made on the data. The larger the accuracy, the fewer misclassifications you made on the data.

Loss can be seen as a distance between the true values of the problem and the values predicted by the model. The larger the loss, the larger the errors you made on the data.

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1 Answer 1


The link you provided to the paper links to a paywalled article and is therefore not accessible for everyone. But the paper mentions the following:

The filtering mechanism verifies whether the performance of the client ∈ 𝐶 is lower or equal the mean performance, given by the following equation

So the formula simply checks if the performance is better than the mean performance, where they use accuracy as a performance measure. You can most likely swap accuracy for any other performance measure and only select the clients that perform better than average.

  • $\begingroup$ thank you, I can use loss instead of accuracy without changing the formula. $\endgroup$
    – aam
    Commented Sep 3 at 5:54

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