
I'm reading up on how to clean/munge/wrangle data sets in order to run machine learning algorithms on them. Lots of info on how to do the actual wrangling, but a practical detail seems to be glossed over: storage.

My question is quite simple: which is the go-to technology to store/retrieve a large data set in order to run algorithms on it in the most convenient/efficient way possible?

I'm guessing the language in which the algorithms are written is not all that relevant here.


2 Answers 2


There are a lot of technologies out there to handle. These are the most popular ones I know of:

For moderate data to operate in chunks- Pandas - pd.read_csv('train.csv', chunksize=chunksize)

For larger data - dask, Hadoop with R

Refer this for various other suggestions.


Currently Apache Hadoop is one of the popular technologies to store data and Apache Spark is a very popular computational engine to compute/munge large datasets.


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