
I'm trying to create some charts using Python. I've this dataset in a CSV file:

Banana  Water   Rice
Rice    Water
Bread   Banana  Juice 

And I've this code:

 import numpy as np
 from pandas import DataFrame
 import matplotlib
 matplotlib.use('agg') # Write figure to disk instead of displaying (for Windows Subsystem for Linux)
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 data = DataFrame.read_csv("test.csv", index_col=1, skiprows=1).T.to_dict()

But when I execute the code I'm getting the following error:

AttributeError: type object 'DataFrame' has no attribute 'read_csv'

How can I solve this problem?

Many thanks!


3 Answers 3


read_csv() is not available on DataFrame. to read csvs using pandas:

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("file_name")

If you check type(data), it will be pandas DataFrame.


For reading data from csv you can use pd.read_csv or pd.read_table. Example:

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv("file_name")

pd.read_csv is used to read a csv file, you are trying to make a dictionary into a dataframe, use pd.DataFrame() function for this.


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