I am reading about backpropagation, one of many processes involved in gradient descent, and I couldn't quite grasp the intuition in one of the equations.
An equation for the error $\delta^l$ in terms of the error in the next layer, $\delta^{l+1}$: In particular
$$ \delta^l=((w^{l+1})^T\delta^{l+1})\circ\sigma'(z^l), $$
where $(w^{l+1})^T$ is the transpose of the weight matrix $w^{l+1}$ for the $(l+1)^{th}$ layer.
When we apply the transpose weight matrix, $(w^{l+1})^T$, we can think intuitively of this as moving the error backward through the network, giving us some sort of measure of the error at the output of the $l^{th}$ layer.
I know how each terms are derived algebraically (from further down the text), but I can't grasp the intuitive part. In particular, I don't understand how applying the transpose of the weight matrix is like moving the error backwards.
The mathematics is quite straightforward. The equation is the simplification of the error in layer $l$ expressed in terms of error in layer $l+1$. But, the whole intuition bit doesn't come so naturally.
Could someone please explain, in what sense applying the transpose is like "moving the error backwards"?