I am trying to learn data analysis and machine learning by trying out some problems.
I found a competition "House prices" which is actually a playground competition. Since I am very new to this field, I got confused after exploring the data. The data has 81 columns out of which 1 is the target column which is the house value. This data contains multiple columns where majority of values are "NaN". When I ran:
nulls = data.isnull().sum()
nulls[nulls > 0]
This shows the columns with missing values:
LotFrontage 259
Alley 1369
MasVnrType 8
MasVnrArea 8
BsmtQual 37
BsmtCond 37
BsmtExposure 38
BsmtFinType1 37
BsmtFinType2 38
Electrical 1
FireplaceQu 690
GarageType 81
GarageYrBlt 81
GarageFinish 81
GarageQual 81
GarageCond 81
PoolQC 1453
Fence 1179
MiscFeature 1406
At this point I am totally lost and I don't know how to get rid of these "NaN" values.
Any help would be appreciated.