I have built binary text classifier using SVM on TF-IDF for news articles(Sports: Non-Sports).
But I not sure how to classify new document using this model. Since TF-IDF is calculated based on the occurrence of a word in all other documents.
Do I have merge test and train data every time I receive a new document for classification? It will change the model as well every time.
Am I missing something? I think, although SVM on TF-IDF giving good results it can not be used in production.
Is there any other way to tackle this issue?
Lets take an example
Training Set:
Doc_1: Chelsea won the match. {Sports}
Doc_2: India won the third test match against Austrailia {Sports}
Doc_3: I want to sleep {Non-Sport}
Doc_4: 13 palace to see in Auckland {Non-Sport}
New Testing Set:
Doc_5: Climate change impacts in Austrailia
Now how can I find IDF score of "Austrailia" in Doc_5 without merging this document with training set?
Since Doc_5 contains the word "Austrailia", it will change the IDF score of "Australia" in Doc_1 will also change, thus model needs retraining