I am working with a completely categorical network log data that consists of source ip address, destination ip address, source port, destination port, protocol.
Data Preprocessing performed : Converted IP addresses to integers. Removed rows with NA's. Dis not perform scaling as it doesn't make any sense with categorical data and also since I'm computing Hamming distance.
Modelling and Implementation : I have implemented 'Hamming Distance' to compute the distance matrix for the set. I have tried converting the categorical variables to numerical by converting them to factors and perform Kmeans on the data, however the accuracy I'm getting is very low as expected. I have used KModes as well and I have got cluster labels to the data, I'm having challenge proceeding further from here.
Question : Once the distance matrix is computed, how can I go about detecting the outliers with such data type? I really appreciate any recommendations. Thanks in advance
Data Snippet : 2887562076 2344654028 6 41940 80
2344654028 2887562076 6 80 41940
2344654028 2887562076 6 80 41940