I don't know if this is a common/best practice, but it's another point of view of the matter.
If you have, let's say, a date, you can treat each field as a "category variable" instead a "continuous variable". The day would have a value in the set {1, 2... ,31}, the month would have a value in {1,...,12} and, for the year, you choose a minimum and a maximum value and build a set.
Then, as the specific numeric values of days, months and years might not be useful for finding trends in the data, use a binary representation to encode the numeric values, being each bit a feature. For example, month 5 would be 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(11 0's an a 1 in 5th position, each bit being a feature).
So, having, for example, 10 years in the "year's set", a date would be transformed into a vector of 43 features (= 31 + 12 + 10). Using "sparse vectors", the amount of features shouldn't be a problem.
Something similar could be done for time data, day of the week, day of the month...
It all depends of the question you want your machine learning model to answer.