I am studying the blog: Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks for NLP. It is very good blog.
One thing I can't understand clearly about this blog. As the figure Illustration of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for sentence classification as following:
I want to ask:
- I know the region sizes(2,3,4) is like 2-gram, 3-gram, 4-gram word, but what’s the meaning of number filters? Here is 2 filters for each region. Why in the author's code about sentence classification is the number of filters defined to 128? Could you give examples to explain the meaning of the number of filters? for example using the sentence of ‘I like this movie very much’ would be great.
2) I understand the height of region size (4) is 4, but in the figure, the height of region(2, 3) are 5 and 6 respectively, I don't know why? I think the height of region is 2 and 3.