I am dealing with a lot of categorical data right now and I would like to use an appropriate data mining method in any tool [preferably R] to find the effect of each parameter [categorical parameters] over my target variable. To give a brief notion about the data that am dealing with, my target variable denotes the product type [say, disposables and non-disposables] and I have parameters like root cause,symptom,customer name, product name etc. As my target can be considered as a binary value, I tried to find the combination of values leading to the desired categories using Apriori but, I have more than 2 categories in that attribute and I want to use all of them and find the effect of the mentioned parameters over each category. I really wanted to try SVM and use hyperplanes to separate the content and get n-dimensional view. But, I do not have enough knowledge to validate the technique, functions am using to do the analysis. Currently I have like 9000 records and each of them represents a complaint from the user. There are lot of columns available in the dataset which is what I am trying to use to determine the target variable [ myForumla <- Target~. ] I tried with just 4 categorical columns too. Not getting a proper result.
Can just the categorical variables be used to develop a SVM model and get visualization with n hyper planes? Is there any appropriate data mining technique available for dealing with just the categorical data?