I decided to apply the logistic regression method to my categorical and quantitative data. So, I followed these steps:
- Eliminating the bad and inconsistent data.
- Preparing the target variable (categorical variable).
- Testing the dependencies between categorical variables and the target variable using the Ki-2 test for selecting the variables that are well linked with the target variable.
- Testing the correlation between quantitative variables to avoid the choice of two correlated variables at a time.
- Crossing some variables to improve their significance.
After all this I do not find any significant variables in my logistic regression model knowing that the base is well coherent and well cleaned.
I work with the R language and I used the glm function:
glm (formula, family = familytype (link = linkfunction), data =)
You can see my data base. Note that Achat_client is target variable:
> str(M)
'data.frame': 836 obs. of 21 variables:
$ Type_peau : Factor w/ 5 levels "","Grasse","Mixte",..: 3 4 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 ...
$ PEAU_CORPS : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Normale","Sèche",..: 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 ...
$ SENSIBILITE : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Aucune","Fréquente",..: 4 4 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 4 ...
$ IMPERFECTIONS : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Fréquente",..: 3 4 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 ...
$ BRILLANCE : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Aucune","Partout",..: 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 ...
$ GRAIN_PEAU : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Dilaté","Fin",..: 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 ...
$ RIDES_VISAGE : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Aucune","Très visibles",..: 2 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 ...
$ ALLERGIES : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Non","Oui",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ MAINS : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Moites","Normales",..: 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 ...
$ PEAU_CORPS.1 : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Normale","Sèche",..: 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 ...
$ INTERET_ALIM_NATURELLE: Factor w/ 4 levels "","Beaucoup",..: 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 ...
$ INTERET_ORIGINE_GEO : Factor w/ 5 levels "","Beaucoup",..: 2 4 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ Crois_Prior1_Milieu : Factor w/ 14 levels "Per_nature_éclatante",..: 11 13 8 12 8 6 8 9 13 11 ...
$ Crois_Profil_Prio : Factor w/ 294 levels "Eclatante / Hydratée_éclatante",..: 141 227 221 74 56 184 13 86 227 68 ...
$ Crois_ALL_AGE : Factor w/ 6 levels "jeune_Avec_ALL",..: 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 4 6 2 ...
$ INTERET_VACANCES : Factor w/ 6 levels "","À la mer",..: 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 ...
$ INTERET_COMPOSITION : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Beaucoup",..: 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 ...
$ PEAU_CORPS.2 : Factor w/ 4 levels "","Normale","Sèche",..: 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 ...
$ Nbre_gift : int 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ w : num 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.75 ...
$ Achat_client : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
Then I split my data base into tow parts: 70% of data for modeling and 30% for testing then the model:
split = sample.split(M$Achat_client, SplitRatio = 0.70)
final.train = subset(M, split == TRUE)
final.test = subset(M, split == FALSE)
Then for application of logistic regression:
final.log.model <- glm(formula=Achat_client ~ .-1,family=binomial(link="logit"),data = final.train)
The result is:
> summary(final.log.model)
glm(formula = Achat_client ~ . - 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
data = final.train)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.60306 -0.26636 -0.04545 -0.00003 2.83714
Coefficients: (5 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
Type_peauGrasse -7.530e+00 2.811e+00 -2.679 0.007383 **
Type_peauMixte -8.278e+00 2.535e+00 -3.265 0.001095 **
Type_peauNormale -7.902e+00 2.568e+00 -3.077 0.002087 **
Type_peauSèche -9.710e+00 2.583e+00 -3.759 0.000171 ***
PEAU_CORPSSèche 8.639e-01 5.966e-01 1.448 0.147612
PEAU_CORPSTrès sèche 1.660e+00 8.959e-01 1.853 0.063843 .
SENSIBILITEFréquente -1.978e-02 9.583e-01 -0.021 0.983531
SENSIBILITEOccasionnelle -1.123e-01 8.905e-01 -0.126 0.899640
IMPERFECTIONSOccasionnelle -2.825e-01 5.859e-01 -0.482 0.629712
IMPERFECTIONSRares -1.234e+00 9.116e-01 -1.353 0.175956
BRILLANCEPartout 1.720e+00 1.351e+00 1.273 0.202993
BRILLANCEZone T 2.942e-01 7.643e-01 0.385 0.700299
GRAIN_PEAUFin 1.901e+00 9.640e-01 1.972 0.048609 *
GRAIN_PEAUMoyen 6.999e-01 6.976e-01 1.003 0.315696
RIDES_VISAGETrès visibles 2.350e+00 1.101e+00 2.134 0.032843 *
RIDES_VISAGEVisibles -1.224e-02 5.696e-01 -0.021 0.982857
ALLERGIESOui -1.770e+01 4.714e+03 -0.004 0.997004
MAINSNormales 1.767e+00 1.055e+00 1.675 0.093963 .
MAINSSèches 1.679e+00 1.073e+00 1.565 0.117595
INTERET_ALIM_NATURELLEPas du tout -6.929e-01 1.490e+00 -0.465 0.641833
INTERET_ALIM_NATURELLEUn peu -1.801e+00 7.381e-01 -2.441 0.014666 *
INTERET_ORIGINE_GEOPas du tout 1.025e+00 1.293e+00 0.793 0.427673
INTERET_ORIGINE_GEOUn peu -4.041e-01 6.494e-01 -0.622 0.533728
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_nature_hydratée -7.592e-01 2.015e+00 -0.377 0.706322
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_nature_lisse -3.454e-01 1.756e+00 -0.197 0.844073
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_nature_matifiée -1.509e-01 2.495e+00 -0.060 0.951761
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_nature_nourrie -1.860e+01 6.608e+03 -0.003 0.997754
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_nature_purifiée -3.315e-01 1.611e+00 -0.206 0.837001
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_nature_reposée 1.284e+00 1.883e+00 0.682 0.495542
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_urbain_éclatante -1.819e-02 1.534e+00 -0.012 0.990538
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_urbain_hydratée 3.449e-01 1.356e+00 0.254 0.799243
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_urbain_lisse 1.080e+00 1.334e+00 0.810 0.418107
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_urbain_matifiée 1.051e+00 1.398e+00 0.752 0.452290
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_urbain_nourrie 3.070e+00 1.627e+00 1.887 0.059226 .
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_urbain_purifiée -1.456e+00 1.430e+00 -1.018 0.308601
Crois_Prior1_MilieuPer_urbain_reposée 2.520e+00 1.493e+00 1.688 0.091498 .
Crois_Profil_PrioLisse / Eclatante_éclatante 2.472e+00 1.486e+00 1.663 0.096222 .
Crois_Profil_PrioMatifiée / Eclatante_éclatante 2.845e+00 1.631e+00 1.744 0.081110 .
Crois_Profil_PrioNourrie / Eclatante_éclatante -1.685e+01 7.795e+03 -0.002 0.998276
Crois_Profil_PrioPurifiée / Eclatante_éclatante 1.182e+00 1.523e+00 0.776 0.437707
Crois_Profil_PrioReposée / Eclatante_éclatante -1.895e+01 5.224e+03 -0.004 0.997106
Crois_Profil_PrioEclatante / Hydratée_hydratée -1.763e+01 2.457e+03 -0.007 0.994276
Crois_Profil_PrioLisse / Hydratée_hydratée -1.409e-02 1.625e+00 -0.009 0.993081
Crois_Profil_PrioMatifiée / Hydratée_hydratée -1.623e+01 4.667e+03 -0.003 0.997225
Crois_Profil_PrioNourrie / Hydratée_hydratée 1.917e+00 1.854e+00 1.034 0.301226
Crois_Profil_PrioPurifiée / Hydratée_hydratée 1.841e+00 1.417e+00 1.299 0.193915
Crois_Profil_PrioReposée / Hydratée_hydratée -1.581e+01 7.573e+03 -0.002 0.998334
Crois_Profil_PrioEclatante / Lisse_lisse 1.464e+00 1.427e+00 1.026 0.305064
Crois_Profil_PrioHydratée / Lisse_lisse -1.757e+01 3.171e+03 -0.006 0.995578
Crois_Profil_PrioMatifiée / Lisse_lisse 3.308e+00 1.879e+00 1.760 0.078343 .
Crois_Profil_PrioNourrie / Lisse_lisse 1.318e+00 1.829e+00 0.721 0.471155
Crois_Profil_PrioPurifiée / Lisse_lisse -1.844e+01 3.417e+03 -0.005 0.995695
Crois_Profil_PrioReposée / Lisse_lisse -1.627e+01 6.889e+03 -0.002 0.998115
Crois_Profil_PrioEclatante / Matifiée_matifiée -1.651e+01 4.405e+03 -0.004 0.997010
Crois_Profil_PrioHydratée / Matifiée_matifiée 3.058e+00 1.669e+00 1.832 0.066970 .
Crois_Profil_PrioLisse / Matifiée_matifiée 2.699e+00 1.761e+00 1.533 0.125319
Crois_Profil_PrioNourrie / Matifiée_matifiée 3.910e+00 2.316e+00 1.688 0.091412 .
Crois_Profil_PrioPurifiée / Matifiée_matifiée -1.614e+01 3.076e+03 -0.005 0.995814
Crois_Profil_PrioReposée / Matifiée_matifiée -1.751e+01 1.235e+04 -0.001 0.998868
Crois_Profil_PrioEclatante / Nourrie_nourrie 2.304e+00 1.620e+00 1.422 0.154909
Crois_Profil_PrioHydratée / Nourrie_nourrie -1.622e+01 3.909e+03 -0.004 0.996688
Crois_Profil_PrioLisse / Nourrie_nourrie 4.018e+00 2.082e+00 1.931 0.053542 .
Crois_Profil_PrioMatifiée / Nourrie_nourrie -1.683e+01 9.424e+03 -0.002 0.998575
Crois_Profil_PrioPurifiée / Nourrie_nourrie 2.889e+00 1.891e+00 1.528 0.126629
Crois_Profil_PrioEclatante / Purifiée_purifiée 1.983e-01 1.773e+00 0.112 0.910932
Crois_Profil_PrioHydratée / Purifiée_purifiée -1.700e+00 2.025e+00 -0.840 0.401098
Crois_Profil_PrioLisse / Purifiée_purifiée -1.741e+01 5.381e+03 -0.003 0.997419
Crois_Profil_PrioMatifiée / Purifiée_purifiée -1.840e+01 4.515e+03 -0.004 0.996749
Crois_Profil_PrioReposée / Purifiée_purifiée -1.771e+01 1.039e+04 -0.002 0.998640
Crois_Profil_PrioEclatante / Reposée_reposée 2.290e+00 1.796e+00 1.275 0.202363
Crois_Profil_PrioHydratée / Reposée_reposée -1.609e+01 3.890e+03 -0.004 0.996699
Crois_Profil_PrioLisse / Reposée_reposée 2.916e+00 1.552e+00 1.879 0.060212 .
Crois_Profil_PrioMatifiée / Reposée_reposée -1.625e+01 9.461e+03 -0.002 0.998629
Crois_Profil_PrioNourrie / Reposée_reposée -1.724e+01 8.232e+03 -0.002 0.998329
Crois_Profil_PrioPurifiée / Reposée_reposée 6.497e-01 1.724e+00 0.377 0.706274
Crois_ALL_AGEjeune_Sans_ALL -7.512e-01 7.326e-01 -1.025 0.305170
Crois_ALL_AGEsenior_Avec_ALL 1.664e+01 4.714e+03 0.004 0.997183
Crois_ALL_AGEsenior_Sans_ALL 3.611e-01 6.555e-01 0.551 0.581703
Crois_ALL_AGEvieux_Avec_ALL 1.930e+01 4.714e+03 0.004 0.996733
Crois_ALL_AGEvieux_Sans_ALL NA NA NA NA
INTERET_VACANCESÀ la montagne 1.208e+00 5.537e-01 2.182 0.029090 *
INTERET_VACANCESEn ville 2.452e+00 9.143e-01 2.682 0.007317 **
INTERET_COMPOSITIONPas du tout -1.763e+01 4.579e+03 -0.004 0.996929
INTERET_COMPOSITIONUn peu 4.350e-01 8.082e-01 0.538 0.590461
Nbre_gift 2.144e-01 1.520e-01 1.411 0.158265
w 1.796e+00 1.027e+00 1.749 0.080317 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 812.37 on 586 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 170.68 on 501 degrees of freedom
AIC: 340.68
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 19
Besides, I tested all types of family:
*Family Default Link Function
binomial (link = "logit")
gaussian (link = "identity")
Gamma (link = "inverse")
inverse.gaussian (link = "1 / mu ^ 2")
fish (link = "log")
quasi (link = "identity", variance = "constant")
quasibinomial (link = "logit")
quasipoisson (link = "log")*
Why then I can not find any significant variable in my model ???
?, you need some method to important variables and do prediction right? $\endgroup$