In order to have an actor critic RL model there are two things to be satisfied .
- Value approximation function should converge to a local minimum
$$\sum_s d^{\pi}(s) \sum_a \pi(s,a)[Q^{\pi}(s,a) - f_w(s,a)]\frac{\partial f_w(s,a)}{\partial w} = 0$$
- The following condition should be satisfied with the parameterization
$$\frac{\partial f_w(s,a)}{\partial w} = \frac{\partial \pi(s,a)}{\partial \theta} \frac{1}{ \pi(s,a)} $$
So specifically how can we design a model to meet the second condition?
here I want to highlight the value function approximation in actor-critic methods . We need to optimize the critic also as we did for the Q learning but following the on policy which is taking the TD error according to the actor. Here I will put the final equation of actor critic.
Here simply we can take the critic neural net's output as the state value function or the f above. So how to satisfy the condition 2 ?