I am working on text classification where I have 39 categories/classes and 8.5 million records. (In future data and categories will increase).
Structure or format of my data is as follows.
| product_title | Key_value_pairs | taxonomy_id |
Samsung S7 Edge | Color:black,Display Size:5.5 inch,Internal | 211
Storage:128 GB, RAM:4 GB,Primary Camera:12 MP
Case cover Honor 8 | Color:transparent,Height:15 mm,width:22 mm | 212
Ruggers Men's T-Shirt | Size:L,ideal for:men,fit:regular, | 111
sleeve:half sleeve
Optimum Nutrition Gold | Flavor:chocolate,form:powder,size:34 gm | 311
Standard Whey Protein
Data distribution is not normal; it is highly imbalanced:
| taxonomy_id | count |
111 | 851750
112 | 355592
113 | 379433
114 | 23138
115 | 117735
116 | 145757
117 | 1339471
121 | 394026
122 | 193433
123 | 78299
124 | 111962
131 | 1776
132 | 4425
133 | 908
134 | 23062
141 | 22713
142 | 42073
211 | 7892
212 | 1574744
221 | 1047
222 | 397515
223 | 53009
231 | 1227
232 | 7683
251 | 739
252 | 327
253 | 38974
254 | 25
311 | 2901
321 | 7126
412 | 856
421 | 697802
422 | 414855
423 | 17750
425 | 1240
427 | 658
429 | 1058
431 | 20760
441 | 257
As you can see they are highly imbalanced and leading to mis-classifications.
Steps I have performed till now
1) Merge product_title and key_value_pairs column and remove stop words and special characters and perform stemming.
2) I have used pipeline for TFIDFvectorizer(), LinearSVC()
vectorizerPipe = Pipeline([
('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(lowercase=True, stop_words='english')),
('classification', OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC(penalty='l2', loss='hinge'))),
After this I have fit pipeline and stored the classifier in pickle
prd = vectorizerPipe.fit(df.loc[:, 'description'], df.loc[:, 'taxonomy_id'])
On Testing side I have repeated step 1 as mentioned above and then load the pickle and use predict function
pd = cl.predict([testData])
Issues I am facing
A lot of products are being mis-classified into some other categories
Example: Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein should be classified into category 311 but my classifier is classifying it as 222 which is completely wrong.
I am not sure whether to use TFidfVectorizer() or Hashingvectorizer(), can you guys help me in selecting one of this along with their parameters?
Algorithm I am using is LinearSVC, is it a good choice for multi-class classification problems with large amount of data? Or should I use different algorithms?
As my data is highly imbalanced I tried random undersampling. The results were improved but they were still not up to the mark. Also I am not sure whether this is the right approach to perform random undersampling:
pipe = make_pipeline_imb( HashingVectorizer(lowercase=True), RandomUnderSampler(ratio={111: 405805, 112: 170431, 113: 241709, 114: 8341, 115: 50328, 116: 89445, 117: 650020, 121: 320803, 122: 162557, 123: 66156, 124: 36276, 131: 1196, 132: 3365, 133: 818, 134: 15001, 141: 6145, 142: 31783, 211: 24728, 212: 100000, 221: 791, 222: 8000, 223: 35406, 231: 785, 232: 3000, 251: 477, 252: 127, 253: 29563, 254: 33, 311: 2072, 321: 5370, 412: 652, 421: 520973, 422: 99171, 423: 16786, 425: 730, 427: 198, 429: 1249, 431: 13793, 441: 160},random_state=1), OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC(penalty='l2', loss='hinge')))
I am new in machine learning so I have used this approach for text classification. If my approach is wrong then please correct me with right one.
(It would be great if you give suggestion or solution with examples as it will help me understand better).
RndmFrst = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_depth=20, max_features=5000,n_jobs=-1)
LogReg = LogisticRegression()
voting = VotingClassifier(estimators=[('LogReg ', LogReg), ('RndmFrst', RndmFrst)], voting='soft', n_jobs=-1)
pipe = Pipeline([('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,4), max_features=50000)), ('clf', voting)])
pipe = pipe.fit(df.loc[:,'description'], df.loc[:,'taxonomy_id'])
Preds = pipe.predict(test_data)