
Despite having no understanding of what I'm doing, I decided to take a shot at porting rnn-nlu to tensorflow.js

A few lines in, and I'm really confused by the relationship between the python and javascript APIs.

Take the following code:

def create_cell():
  if not forward_only and dropout_keep_prob < 1.0:
    single_cell = lambda: BasicLSTMCell(self.cell_size)
    cell = MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(self.num_layers)])
    cell = DropoutWrapper(cell,
    single_cell = lambda: BasicLSTMCell(self.cell_size)
    cell = MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(self.num_layers)])
  return cell

For BasicLSTMCell there seem to be two very similar functions in the tensorflow-js:

  • tf.basicLSTMCell - identical in name, but needs forgetBias, lstmKernel and lstmBias which are all absent from the python call.
  • tf.layers.lstmCell - I can create one of these in a similar fashion as per the python API: tf.layers.lstmCell({units: this.cell_size}

The first option seems like a more likely candidate, but there are 3 extra parameters. If I could get past that, I could call tf.multiRNNCell(cells) - but that also requires data, c and h which are not required in the python API (which optionally takes state and scope).

If I go with the second option, it seems as though I would replace MultiRNNCell with let cell =tf.layers.stackedRNNCells({cells}) - but the difference in function names is not encouraging.

The only thing in the js API that looks remotely similar to DropoutWrapper is tf.layers.dropout() but it returns a Layer instead of a Cell and the parameters do not match at all.

I have also attempted to import a model which was learned by Python into JavaScript, but I could not figure out how to do that either.



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