I am performing document (text) classification on the category of websites, and use the website content (tokenized, stemmed and lowercased).
My problem is that I have an over-represented category which has vastly more data points than any other (roughly 70% or 4000~ of my data points are of his one category, while about 20 other categories make up the last 30%, some of which have fewer than 50 data points).
My first question:
What could I do to improve the accuracy of my classifier in this case of sparse data for some of the labels? Should I simply discard a certain proportion of the data points in the category which is over-represented? Should I use something other than Gaussian Naive Bayes with tf-idf?
My second question:
After I perform the classification, I save the tfidf vector as well as the classifier to disk. However, when I re-rerun the classification on the same data, I sometimes get different results from what I initially got (for example, if previously a data point was classified as "Entertainment", it might receive "News" now). Is this indicative of an error in my implementation, or expected?
). You can omit it, if it improves results, but it won't be NB anymore, but more like MLE. $\endgroup$