I have a problem a need your suggestion , I am working in a retail data , and want to predict the behavior of the customer , the data contains information about the customer who visits the shopping center, it only contains the customer unique identifier and the customer visits for 143 weeks so for each record I have visitor Id and visits , the visits contains numbers such as 1 5 30 ..etc , 1 is the first day of the first week which is Monday then 5 means Friday , then 30 means Tuesday for the fourth week and etc , what I am trying to do is to predict when the first day of the visit for the next 144th week can you please help me in this
This is the data format
| visitor_id | visits |
| 1 | 30 84 126 135 137 179 242 342 426 456 460 462 483 594 600 604 704 723 744 787 804 886 924 928 946 954 |
| 2 | 24 53 75 134 158 192 194 211 213 238 251 305 404 418 458 476 493 571 619 731 739 759 761 847 883 943 962 981 983 |