
I have a dataset of audio and text files that I want to balance using different criteria to train a neural network. The text and matching audio file are grouped under one ID.

For each ID, I have a number of words and some metadata.

Let's say my data have three metadata/criteria that need to be balanced (well... kind of, I want to be able to choose the percentage for some criteria values) :

  • The name of the speaker, each speaker should have approximately the same number of words.
  • The status of the speaker (active if the speaker is still in activity or inactive if not), where I want approximately 70 % active speakers and 30 % inactive.
  • The gender of the speaker, where I want approximately 50 % male and 50 % female.

Example : ID12345 with 10,000 words. Metadata : John, male and active

If I balance one of the criteria, then another, I will surely unbalance the previously balanced one. Moreover, if I balance using only one criterion at a time, I could throw away data that could be useful to the balance of the following criteria, which mean I will end up with less data that I could have had optimally.

Is there an algorithm that could balance the data using all criteria with their percentage target, and maximise the number of words remaining ?

I'm looking for a general algorithm, with a variable number of criteria.

EDIT : I use C++ and MongoDB (but I'll accept other languages/tools if it can help me, as well as algorithms).


1 Answer 1


You would need to balance the data according to the joint distribution of all 3 features.

One simple option is to treat each feature as categorical (binning any continuous features), then map each combination of features to a single new feature:

doc_len_tokens  | status   | gender | level
1               | active   | male   | 1
1               | active   | female | 2
1               | inactive | male   | 3
1               | inactive | female | 4
2               | active   | male   | 5
2               | active   | female | 6
2               | inactive | male   | 7
2               | inactive | female | 8
... etc ...

You would then stratify on level when sampling.

Here is an example in SQL:

        row_number() OVER (
            PARTITION BY
            ORDER BY
        ) AS row_num
        my_data AS data
) AS data
    row_num <= ${number of rows to sample}
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, but there are some problems with this : • It doesn't take into account the number of words. If John who is an active male have texts that are longer than others (for example), I'll get a lot more of words for the level corresponding to <John, active, male>. • I can't select target percentages for each value of criteria. For example, I'll get 50 % active and 50 % inactive, but I want 70 % and 30 %. Maybe I'm missing something, I'm not accustomed with Pandas. I'm using C++ and MongoDB. $\endgroup$
    – Adrian B.
    Commented Oct 10, 2018 at 21:20
  • $\begingroup$ @AdrianB. the name_tokens_len feature is meant to represent number of words. You stratify according to the level feature I constructed on the right side. It's just a number that corresponds to a unique combination of the other features. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 10, 2018 at 22:03
  • $\begingroup$ @AdrianB. I converted it to a SQL example, which is more or less the same thing $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 10, 2018 at 23:34
  • $\begingroup$ Unfortunately, the possibility to choose a target percentage for some of the criteria values (like 70 % active and 30 % inactive) is something I need and that isn't compatible with your response. Just by curiosity, how did you obtain name_tokens_len from the number of docs ? I think I understood the rest of your idea, except this part. $\endgroup$
    – Adrian B.
    Commented Oct 11, 2018 at 15:32
  • $\begingroup$ @AdrianB. I thought you meant "same number of words in the speaker's name". I also misunderstood that you want a specific distribution of individuals within your sample. For that you can maybe use some kind of rejection sampling, although there is probably a more efficient scheme. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 11, 2018 at 16:09

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