I found this link that defines Accuracy
, Precision
, Recall
and F1 score
Accuracy: the percentage of texts that were predicted with the correct tag.
Precision: the percentage of examples the classifier got right out of the total number of examples that it predicted for a given tag.
Recall: the percentage of examples the classifier predicted for a given tag out of the total number of examples it should have predicted for that given tag.
F1 Score: the harmonic mean of precision and recall.
Following this question of mine, my MultinomialNB
classifier calculated the predict_proba
matrix for the test set (with 14 samples) as follows:
0.192995 0.0996929 0.173688 0.136715 0.126616 0.133012 0.137282
0.174185 0.109345 0.169467 0.144389 0.115021 0.132762 0.154831
0.14172 0.190075 0.125429 0.155343 0.122939 0.149733 0.114763
0.130958 0.2304 0.108793 0.174371 0.115698 0.122529 0.117251
0.139486 0.0938475 0.236573 0.133689 0.118372 0.165151 0.112881
0.135901 0.0845106 0.262501 0.127767 0.119785 0.166609 0.102926
0.136622 0.13782 0.119651 0.320522 0.0854596 0.0996346 0.100292
0.139607 0.181654 0.112189 0.259983 0.0920986 0.106649 0.107819
0.151441 0.0929748 0.155358 0.130407 0.208591 0.151803 0.109425
0.132648 0.122881 0.130545 0.126466 0.196319 0.142594 0.148548
0.135545 0.101456 0.177762 0.118609 0.120773 0.253616 0.0922385
0.132612 0.112645 0.111808 0.102153 0.113548 0.327516 0.0997178
0.111618 0.0859541 0.106807 0.116613 0.085918 0.0873931 0.405696
0.107745 0.0936872 0.0877116 0.122336 0.0902212 0.0909265 0.407373
1. The Answerer of my last question, said that although the predict_proba matrix elements are all less than 0.5, they may be useful in text labeling. But From the above definitions, I concluded that the Accuracy
and Precision
of the prediction is zero, since all of the predicted values are less than 0.5. Am I correct?
2. I'm not sure about the Recall and F1 score and how to calculate them.
3. How can I interpret the matrix and the model's usefulness?
Edit 1:
Using this answer I changed my predict_proba
matrix above (named in the code as pred_prob ) with a shape of (14,7) to a matrix (named y_pred) with a shape of (7,1) and then used a one_hot_encoder function to convert it to a confusion matrix (named y_pred_one_hot) as follows:
y_pred = np.argmax(pred_prob, axis=1)
def one_hot_encode(actual, n_classes):
if len(actual.shape) == 1:
actual2 = np.zeros((actual.shape[0], n_classes))
for i, val in enumerate(actual):
actual2[i, val] = 1
actual = actual2
return actual
y_pred_one_hot = one_hot_encode(y_pred, n_classes=7)
Now y_pred_one_hot is:
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Now is this y_pred_one_hot
matrix, the confusion matrix?