I run Boruta with RandomForestClassifier the previous day on my data (nb features = 36) and got 17/36 confirmed. Now I run it again and there is 0/36 and stop at the 9th iteration. Any idea why this is happening?
rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=200, n_jobs=-1, class_weight= 'balanced_subsample' , max_depth=10)
boruta_selector = BorutaPy(rfc, n_estimators='auto', verbose=2, random_state=1)
boruta_selector_before.fit(X, y)
the current output look is the follow
Iteration: 1 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 36
Rejected: 0
Iteration: 2 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 36
Rejected: 0
Iteration: 3 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 36
Rejected: 0
Iteration: 4 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 36
Rejected: 0
Iteration: 5 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 36
Rejected: 0
Iteration: 6 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 36
Rejected: 0
Iteration: 7 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 36
Rejected: 0
Iteration: 8 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 0
Rejected: 36
BorutaPy finished running.
Iteration: 9 / 100
Confirmed: 0
Tentative: 0
Rejected: 36
CPU times: user 1.95 s, sys: 377 ms, total: 2.33 s
Wall time: 2.79 s