
I have a task to create a tool, which will be able to find articles-duplicates of a given reference article. I know word vectorization (tf-idf,word2vec), RNN methods, but i can not choose something suitable for my situation.

My requirments:

  • data are being collected on the fly (program parses articles from web sites, so i don't have regular DB with collection of texts)
  • there is a reference text, whose copies need to be found
  • copies could be copypasted, partially copypasted (by paragraphs) or paraphrased
  • reference-vs-copy comparison algorithm is preferable, but not required (instead of reference-vs-corps)
  • algorithm shouldn't do deep semantic analyzis, only kind of word counting, word vectorization, substring search
  • instead one algorithm, i can use a set of herurisitcs
  • algorithms can do false positive dicisions

I come up with such ideas:

  1. download pretrained word2vec and compare means of word-vectors
  2. Build a dictionary word->count from every text and compare it to reference dictionary
  3. collect about 100 texts, vectorize them according to tf-idf and find closest to the reference

I will apreciate, if you will point specific algorithms, libs, examples based on key-word extractions, dummy substring search, line difference comparison for python or CLI.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ "find articles-duplicates of a given reference article" is a bit unclear my friend. What are you looking for exactly? $\endgroup$ Feb 19, 2019 at 10:43

1 Answer 1


algorithm shouldn't do deep semantic analyzis, only kind of word counting, word vectorization, substring search

For such tasks, test if built-in Elastic Search / SOLR models work well. These products have multiple models that can be tuned with configuration. With these models, you provide a document and find other documents that are "similar".

Some of the available algorithms are :

  1. Cosine Similarity
  2. Okapi_BM25
  3. DFR
  4. LM Jelinek Mercer

Docs :




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