I am building a binary classifier from a set of feature vectors some of which are categorical like Yes or No (two options). I am replacing them with 1 and 0 and since there is strong imbalance between 1 and 0 my model learns basically on those features. I am afraid that this particular feature might be an artifact - samples that have 0 can also sometimes be classified as 1. What to do in this situation? Should I drop the feature completely?
Let me explain in detail the problem since the answers mostly focus on imbalanced classes. I have a dataset that comprises of around 30 features and binary classes {0,1}. Features are mostly numerical (continuous), but there are also binary categorical features like YES/NO, MALE/FEMALE etc.
One aspect of this dataset is imbalanced classes (there are more ones than zeros) and the other aspect is that one categorical feature, lets say $x$ (YES/NO) is not very balanced also. In fact if you make predictions solely based on $x$ like: $x = 1 \rightarrow 1, x=0 \rightarrow 0$ you will perform better than a naive model, which predicts only $0$ (remember imbalanced classes).
Now, my dilemma is what to do in that case? Should I remove that variable completely from modelling or maybe use some techniques of bias removal?