This almost sounds like a combination of supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Consider finding significant features that predict a target variable like this (fee in your own data).
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv("")
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
features = np.array(['revolving_utilization_of_unsecured_lines',
'age', 'number_of_time30-59_days_past_due_not_worse',
'debt_ratio', 'monthly_income','number_of_open_credit_lines_and_loans',
'number_of_times90_days_late', 'number_real_estate_loans_or_lines',
'number_of_time60-89_days_past_due_not_worse', 'number_of_dependents'])
clf = RandomForestClassifier()[features], df['serious_dlqin2yrs'])
# from the calculated importances, order them from most to least important
# and make a barplot so we can visualize what is/isn't important
importances = clf.feature_importances_
sorted_idx = np.argsort(importances)
padding = np.arange(len(features)) + 0.5
plt.barh(padding, importances[sorted_idx], align='center')
plt.yticks(padding, features[sorted_idx])
plt.xlabel("Relative Importance")
plt.title("Variable Importance")
When you have your best features selected, consider applying KMeans, AffinityPropagation, Mean Shift, SpectralClustering, AgglomerativeClustering, or DBSCAN. See the link below for more details.
Comparing Python Clustering Algorithms | The hdbscan Clustering Library