I am trying to create a jupyter-notebook with a graphical depiction of a neural network. For starters, I am trying to display a simple network that evaluates a boolean NOT operator.
I am using the %%dot
cell magic that is documented at https://metakernel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/README.html?v=20190725125340#id13 and I have a code cell in my notebook with the following contents:
digraph NOT {
rankdir = LR
node [shape="circle"]
x0 [label="+1"]
x1 [label="$x_1$"]
h [shape="plain"]
y1 [color="coral" label=""]
x0 -> y1 [label="10"]
x1 -> y1 [label="-20"]
y1 -> h [label="g()"]
This is rendered into an SVG that is displayed as the output of the code cell.
However, for the label on the x1 node I've used $x_1$
, which I'd like to render as $x_1$ (presumably by MathJax, as it does in the Markdown cells). Unfortunately, I just get a blank node with no label, like this:
Any idea what I can do to fix this?