I have a multi-class classification problem. It performs quite well but on the least represented classes it doesn't. Indeed, here is the distribution :
And here are the classification results of my former classification (I took the numbers off the labels):
Therefore I tried to improve classificationby downsampling the marjority classes
import os
from sklearn.utils import resample
# rebalance data
#df = resample_data(df)
if True:
count_class_A, count_class_B,count_class_C, count_class_D,count_class_E, count_class_F, count_class_G = df.grade.value_counts()
count_df = df.shape[0]
class_dict = {"A": count_class_A,"B" :count_class_B,"C": count_class_C,"D": count_class_D,"E": count_class_E, "F": count_class_F, "G": count_class_G}
counts = [count_class_A, count_class_B,count_class_C, count_class_D,count_class_E, count_class_F, count_class_G]
median = statistics.median(counts)
for key in class_dict:
if class_dict[key]>median:
df[df.grade == key] = df[df.grade == key].sample(int(count_df/7), replace = False)
#replace=False, # sample without replacement
#n_samples=int(count_df/7), # to match minority class
# Divide the data set into training and test sets
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = split_data(df, APPLICANT_NUMERIC + CREDIT_NUMERIC,
test_size = 0.2,
#row_limit = os.environ.get("sample"))
row_limit = 552160)
However it the results where catastrophic. The model accuracy and the model loss looked to have some issues :
And everything was classified in "A" on the test set.
shape changes? This linedf[df.grade == key] = df[df.grade == key].sample(int(count_df/7), replace = False)
seems weird to me. $\endgroup$df.loc[df.grade == key] = df.loc[df.grade == key].sample(
. How would you have done it ? $\endgroup$