There are so many CNNs out there and I am trying to do a comparison between some of them in my paper. Which networks should I include? Resnet, VGG, and Inception are obvious, but I would like three or four others. Which ones should I choose? There are so many variations out there like Xception, resnext, and ... that I am confused. Which of these networks are most used in the academic papers?
2 Answers
It largely depends what kind of paper you are writing — you haven't provided too much information in that regard. You could discuss a selection of models that have scored the highest on ImageNet. Most of these networks have historical significance, and brought a new aspect to the table.
Following list of CNNs are most popular in research papers. And since, you are doing a comparative study, it would be interesting to choose from the below list.
- Xception
- VGG16
- VGG19
- ResNet,
- ResNetV2
- InceptionV3
- InceptionResNetV2
- MobileNet
- MobileNetV2
- DenseNet
- NASNet
$\begingroup$ between dense net or InceptionResnet which one's result would be more interesting in a comparison? i mean which one is really different from resnet and vgg $\endgroup$– Moeinh77Commented Sep 23, 2019 at 16:26